[Medium] Maximum length Bitonic Subarray

Given an array A[0 … n-1] containing n positive integers, a subarray A[i … j] is bitonic if there is a k with i < k < j such that A[i] < A[i + 1] … < A[k] > A[k + 1] > .. A[j – 1] > A[j]. Write a program that returns the length of the maximum length bitonic subarray.

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[Basic] Rearrange Array Alternately

Given a sorted array, rearrange the array alternately i.e first element should be max value, second min value, third second max, fourth second min and so on. Eg: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} O/P: {7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4}

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[Basic] Frequency of Array Elements

Given an unsorted array of N integers which can contain integers from 1 to N. Some elements can be repeated multiple times and some other elements can be absent from the array. Count frequency of all elements from 1 to N.

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[Stage 21] Is IPv4 Address

An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. There are two versions of the Internet protocol, and thus two versions of addresses. One of them is the IPv4 address.

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[Stage 17] Array Change

You are given an array of integers. On each move you are allowed to increase exactly one of its element by one. Find the minimal number of moves required to obtain a strictly increasing sequence from the input.

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